Post by eppie on Oct 10, 2002 16:51:00 GMT 1
According to experiences with Same trannies in my district, the ZF trans is worth it...
Hey, at my friend's, they traded their Renault 8012 for a Deutz DX 4.70 or so. They say the Deutz uses quite some more fuel than the Renault... Fuel usage differs per model, i think.
Post by leemsutton on Oct 10, 2002 17:18:14 GMT 1
Going back to the UK fendt price. I think your a bit out there as you can get a top spec 926 delivered to your door for £60-65,000, so that would put the 716 well below the £50,000 mark.
Sorry to but into your new topic bu i have only just read through the thread.
Post by Woodbeef on Oct 10, 2002 18:00:34 GMT 1
Hey Lee,
You are correct in your pricing,but we are talking advertised list prices here. Not what you can get one parked in your farmyard for.
Post by Farmer from Finland on Oct 10, 2002 18:22:17 GMT 1
Heips,little bit hurry season is near to go over.
About prices,i also forget to say that they are first listprices and second thing is they includes VAT 22%.. But still if i compare Deutz 260 AG MK3 to Valtra S 260,the result is DF 125000 eur and Valtra 157000 eur(VAT 22 inc)
For me intresting powerarea is about 100 kW. There Deutz 135 AG MK3 65600 Deutz TTV 1130 74000 NH TM 140 RCSS(supersteer) 64600 Fendt 714 Vario 102000 Valtra HT 140 65500 MF 6290 63300 Lamborghini 1300 53000 SAME Silver 130 51900 CASE CVX 130 87800 CASE CS130 DeLuxe 65700
All inc VAT.Easy look that Fendt is in own category All conventional tractors are near each other. Situation,if really try make contract is difficult.
Post by eppie on Oct 10, 2002 19:08:24 GMT 1
Lambo and Same, are also in their own category.
And so are the CVX and TTV. The others are on about the same price level.
Post by Farmer from Finland on Oct 10, 2002 19:36:17 GMT 1
Right Renze.maybe i made only two categories over and under 100000 EUR. Too large.
Anyway,in real competition when to some brands need all kind of equipments with and other maybe have all incl. then situation change.
I mean,air cond,cab.suspension,etc.....
So is life
Post by Bernhard on Oct 10, 2002 20:16:40 GMT 1
You must know, that everybody knew the aircooled Deutz Engines, but they built also some watercooled Engines.
Bernhard, Derichsweiler, Germany
Post by Hendrik17 on Oct 10, 2002 21:31:00 GMT 1
John Deere 6820 PremiumPlus (with TLS, HCS, 4 SCVs, CommandArm, low-frequency-Seat, HMS II, Degenhart Front-Linkage, AirCondition, one piece Windschield, CD-Radio, 50 KM/H AutoPowr (IVT) Transmission, suspended Passenger Seat, FieldOffice, all availiable lights, Michelin XM 108 Tires - 540/65R28 & 650/65R38)
Price in Germany (July 2002): 71000,- Euros including 16% Taxes - this is a "real" Price, not a List Price.
Post by Xavier on Oct 10, 2002 23:26:51 GMT 1
Hi hendrik that price is good, for Catalonia too, do you buy it? This price is for a good customer?
Here 6920 Premium Plus Autopower (40kph) TLS, cab susp, low freq seat, no front linkage, same tires.
77543 (IVA include) worse price than yours
Now i can understand why JD is wining Fendt in his homeland.
Post by eppie on Oct 11, 2002 18:38:18 GMT 1
FFF, you are right. If you put accesories on a low spec tractor, to achieve the same specs as one loaded with options, the price difference might be a lot different.
Post by Hendrik17 on Oct 12, 2002 6:04:25 GMT 1
@ Xavier, yes we bought one last Summer, some pics? www.farmphoto.com/homestead/message.asp?mid=16639I think one reason why JD is winning Fendt in Germany is the wider choice of trannys (PowerQuad Plus/AutoQuad II, AutoPowr). So if you don´t want IVT or electronc control valves or front/cab suspension - you dont have to buy it.
Post by Xavier on Oct 12, 2002 16:14:24 GMT 1
Good photos Hendrik.
Good luck with your new 6820. You have buy it in a good price, almost in my opinion.
Yes i must agree with you, more options you can build your tractor to a low spec (Action) or to a high (Premium Plus) it could be a 20000e difference. And buy what you buy at a similar price that the competence. They have the market caught.
Here in Catalonia JD is the champion in standard tractors, but many people is going to Fendt for high tecnology, with 6020 maybe this people will remain with JD. A problem with is JD is their max velocity 40kph and Fendt has a 50kph, here we have fields in different towns and there is many transport.
Post by F6L913 on Oct 12, 2002 16:38:58 GMT 1
Hey, I like Renze's definition of 9 stept powershift. I heard that's is a nighmare for the dealers here. They say to me that they will never sell another 175-200 again. They don't like that tranny. Is the same transmission than in the 120-160 range of Same's ? Why Deutz put a 200 hp engine ? Last week Fendt sold a 716 "full equip" to a "Deutz guy" for 78.000 €<br> Ja o veus Xavi, el MK3 ja es pot comprar, o diu el Renze
Post by eppie on Oct 12, 2002 18:40:10 GMT 1
HEY, IT'S NOT KIND OF YOU TO USE MY NAME WITHOUT TELLING ME WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT !!! I know it's about Agrotron Mk3 and buying, altavista translation coudn't make any better English of your dialect I was thinking Same used that troubleshift tranny with their own 6 litre engine to 190-195 hp. Deutz from 165 to 200 hp, i think. They will please their customers a big way when they introduce a 200 hp with the tranny of the 230 and 260. Hey Xavier, is Deere selling just the 5 gear tranny there ?? We have the powrquad 5 gear 40km/h, and the 6 gear powrquad 50 km/h. The autopowr also runs 50.
Post by Xavier on Oct 12, 2002 19:00:34 GMT 1
Hey Renze, F6L913 is only repeating me what you think about MK3, that they are better and they are a real option for purchase. He is a Deutz fan. Not anything offensive, be calm. Literally
" Do you see it yet Xavi, you could buy the MK3 yet, Renze says it" Please Renze we are not talking any DIALECT as you said, our language is a millenial one, is a dialect of latin equal than french, italian, spanish,... We have a important literature since X century.
In other hand, the Deere trans options they are the same in rest of UE, but with a modificated range. 24/24 for 6120-6620 and 20/20 for the rest. I think our tractors have equal espec than french ones. Autopower is set to 40 here too. Fendt goes to 50 kph but is partial llegally only.